Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Communicate with Clarity | Stakeholder Management

image courtesy: http://www.inwardconsulting.com/assets/Blog/FeaturedImages/clarity.png

All us will agree to the need for greater clarity in communication – be it any form, verbal, or written. We say a lot and really don't mean anything much.

Conflicts arise mainly due to poor communication. When words are minced, message loses its meaning. Basically, we failed to make sense, and probably never realized.  Confusion is otherwise called as noise.

Let’s look into some real-time scenarios:

Despite a set agenda, meetings, at times, drag for hours not deliberating the issues tabled, rather a stray thought entertained finds resonance with someone seated and soon the discussion veers off in a direction that’s tangential. When the meeting is concluded, everyone leaves learning a lesson not to get distracted but fall into the same trap that was supposed to be safeguarded.

Likewise, a client call to collect requirements goes into an infinite loop of ‘back and forth’.  Why? Either the message is not clear or the stakeholders are not in the same page for the lack of understanding. It’s as if the conversation is taking place in a language that the attendees in the call are absolutely clueless. This, when Language is no longer a limitation can be so ironical.

Or, the instance when a simple mail intended to communicate a message can be so misleading.

So, how do you bring clarity in communication?

You don’t have to be poetic. Just be precise.

There is no need to compose an essay. A 2-liner will be enough if the message can be conveyed.

Be verbal, not verbose. Compose crisp concise message using shorter sentences.

The second paragraph is this post itself is typical disclaimer as to ‘how not to write’. Rather, simplify. Make it easier for the reader to understand. It should not be a test on IQ.  Is your message easy to understand? Assess the easiness. If yes, post. If not, rewrite.

Clarity means simplicity. We often confuse that word as a business jargon. The challenge today that 'you might be possess the knowledge of a professor' but can you explain in a way that a third-grade kid can understand?

There should not be any confusion at all; nor the need to refer the dictionary. Prose that is plain yet elegant; correct in its context brings out greater clarity in communication.

It can be challenging. So is clarity in communication. 

If You Want The Best Pay, Prove That You Are The Brightest Person.

image courtesy: http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/031cec4a1a82e56da778c6bc81807c4d

If the new H-1B Visa Bill is anything to go by, then soon there may not exist visa cap per country but issued purely of on merit regardless of the origin. The catch of “only the best and brightest” has been ringing in the valley ever since there was a change of guard in the leadership.  This is only fair so that Companies don’t shortchange the unsuspecting employee by undercutting wages. So to book yourself a berth, better ensure you are the best in the list.

Some companies and candidates have been too long in the shade that’s its time they come under the sun and face the heat of the competition. Most look towards the west – be it migrants or aspirants. So, professionally, unless you have a proven track record that’s superior and surpasses the set expectations, chances to be counted in is going to be grim.

Just read out the latest reports as extracted and the enormity of reality will dawn on you. The good days are gone? It can be a lament or do you hear someone shoot-out “good days are back”. Your caliber and competency can be vouched by you alone as it will be you who will be subjected to the litmus test in proficiency.

Quoting verbatim from the source:

“The High-Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act of 2017 introduced by California Congressman Zoe Lofgren prioritises market based allocation of visas to those companies willing to pay 200 per cent of a wage calculated by survey; eliminates the category of lowest pay; and raises the salary level at which H-1B dependent employer are exempt from non-displacement and recruitment attestation requirements to greater than $130,000.

This is more than double of the current H-1B minimum wage of $60,000, which was established in 1989 and since then has remained unchanged.

“My legislation refocuses the H-1B programme to its original intent — to seek out and find the best and brightest from around the world, and to supplement the US workforce with talented, highly paid, and highly skilled workers who help create jobs here in America, not replace them,” said Mr. Lofgren.

Here comes the zinger: when the message is loud and clear about scouting talent that are the best and brightest:  what makes one best and bright? In simpler terms, you can’t nudge or elbow your competitor but win the race by a mile. Touch of the legend sprinter ‘thunderbolt’? Humor aside, the hunger to excel and exceed expectation is the basic expectation. You can take it from here as the baseline and figure out the challenges that lie ahead and criteria to be met. Nothing less than outstanding can help you outshine as a luminary in the global pool of star players.

Well, one might want to know the hue and cry made about the visas. Admittedly the numbers don’t add up for ‘skilled staff’ to survive and succeed in the stiff competition in Silicon Valley, especially the startup, which needs to compete with the established set-up. It’s unfair on a David versus Goliath, so let’s level the play area might be the rationale by hiring some great talent in-house or outsourced. And there comes the bone of contention on the basis of the disparity in income and also the loss of opportunity when a Job is shipped outside or talent shopped from elsewhere.  There were enough holes to plug and routes to circumvent. And hence, this diktat to demonstrate first and declare yourself as the ‘conqueror’ and the crown is all yours. Prove your worth as deserving and therefore desire is the dictum.

If you feel tempted to ask ‘what talents will take me through?’, then walk through the Job Responsibilities and measure yourself in terms of the weightage, and ask yourself “are you there?” if yes, what’s your standing when lined up with strongest of contender? Certifications, of course, lend currency and expertise arises from the virtue of experience. What happens, if the shortlisted candidates possess the certifications and areas of expertise? Well, that its typical Darwinism “fitter than the fittest”.  Better than the best. Prove that and take home the trophy. The winner gets it all.

May the best man/woman win.

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Great Expectations.

image courtesy: http://www.lightbearers.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/great-expectations.jpg

Only the title of the classic written by Charles Dickens has semblance to this posting and surely not its substance.

With the onset of a new year, political boiling in the land of opportunities, wherein skilled professional face severe unrest in the wake of sanctions and scrutiny, the future seems to hold its breath.

When the need is to analyze skill gap, currently it’s more about geographical demarcation to permit access or deny entry.

When the very skill,  due to soaring demand, took people places is set aside owing to political compulsion, it most  certainly play out to be a professional’s paradox.

The citizens and green cards spared, the fate of the extremely talented and brilliant minds hang in mid-air.

No matter what, come hell or high storm, mankind has survived all sorts of adversaries and yet prevailed. And this too shall pass. That we know. But by when? Is something we don’t know.

So it means “Stop. Don’t sharpen the axe.” Canada came out openly declaring that it’s a good opportunity to make good of the talent in their innovative-rich centers to build a better future. No one gets stuck – they move on to the next land of opportunity.

Recent studies have already identified other potential markets for professionals to pursue their passion and nurse an ambition with abilities.

The future is touted to be greatly influenced by SMAC – Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, and along with Ethical Hacking and Artificial Intelligence will play a stellar role in steering the future. Drones have become common a word now – which was earlier associated with weapons, and hyperloop is literally a race against time. With SpaceX exploring aerospace , burning with the motive to put man on mars -  the mission to mars by commoner [not astronauts], daring to challenge the challenge, aspire to achieve the‘ impossible'. That seems to become the expectation.  For every contrast, there is a compelling chance/choice. 

Skills cannot be silenced, subdued or suppressed. They can be harnessed – to the hilt.  When conventional classroom could be moved to Live Virtual Classes, the threats of any form will shift the learning to another platform. Learning is forever. Unless We stop to learn

Since the narration started with Charles Dickens, let it conclude by borrowing one  of the phenomenal opening lines from his ‘Tale of Two Cities’ – 
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, , it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair ”  

 But just like the way the previous president concluded his last message “We shall overcome", and in time, we will. That, for now,  is the greatest expectation.

We welcome your feedback. Leave your thoughts here….

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Resignation / Retention: A Page In People Management

image courtesy: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/339470/header.jpg?t=1458822365

When resignations are rampant and the attrition rate spikes, all the eyes invariably turns on the eyes of the HR as scapegoats, when nothing concrete comes out as evidence for the exit . other than speculations flying thick and fast which twirls into wild rumours, the real reason for someone’ departure is never disclosed, for whatever reasons.

Some of the most heard is “blame the manager”. Fine. What happens if the manager quits? Blame the manager who managed the manager? We can keep going round in circles. The bottom-line – the person was either willing to go or forced to leave. The reasons can be anything – from conjectures to outright conclusions.

Pinning on a person fails to make sense. Rather look at the person leaving. Particularly HR. The HR derives no pleasure as they alone know better the ‘cost of hire’ right from advertising about openings to screening resume and shortlisting and hoping the candidate will clear the countless rounds of interview so that they can close the file or requirement. It can be daunting in cost and effort. And it gets tough on the Hiring manager to bring the ‘new hire’ to speed, the transition in timeline will sometimes roll into months. So overall, it is an expensive exercise that no one wants unless or otherwise forced to engage. Rather, it is far more prudent to retain than release. That’s why many companies consider to ‘talk it through’ the pain points that made the employee severe ties.

And what could be the pain points? The data points collected from various exit interviews and successful retention discussions were pooled and the most striking listed :

Stagnation. When an employee feels grinding the same stone with nothing new but regular, routine, monotonous work, frustration boils and resentment builds badly seeking a release. That’s when they look around. Everyone has an axe to grind. When you do something repeatedly, that’s called monotony or specialist?  Its your take. Somehow the passion in you has replaced with pressure.

Stunning Offer: something you can’t resist or refuse. Obviously, it far better than where you are that has made up your mind to move. A great work culture, exciting job responsibilities, eye-popping package with perks and all the freebies and holidays. Sometimes, the allure with the offer tantalizing which is hard to let go . money is a great motivator – the lure of CTC. Not many read CTC as cost, but as ‘package’. Not many realize the grass is just as green on the other side.

Sense of belonging: by far, what many fail to admit or accept is that the employee simply lost  the sense of belonging in in the work place . “I don’t fit in here anymore.” What made the employee draw such a conclusion could be attributed to any factor – may be the manager or the employee itself for underperformance or incompetent. But the unmistakable fact is unless one feels "I belong here", expecting to stay on is simply chasing the wind. 

Erosion in trust. It works both ways. The employee loses or the employer. Trust is sacred. Trust is both strong and fragile. So long trust is upheld, it remains strong. But just like one stone to bring down a glass plane, its so brittle. Once doubt creeps, trust dilutes.

Unreasonable timeline. Overwork overburdens. When the effort estimation is not realistic then one has to wake up to reality. Pushing beyond the permissible limits can prove punishing. Expecting productivity is preposterous. Sometimes, one has set reasonable expectations. Stretching in grave situation is acceptable so long the stakeholders concerned are accommodative, failing which the situation simmers with hostility. The person in-charge can hammer about delayed deadline while the programmer under pressure  will cry foul about the fixtures.

The way out is a win-win. Earning confidence is the best way to build a relationship. Times have proved how the crew went beyond their call of duty to combat challenges only because of the confidence and faith placed in them. People management is a practice that many leaders are yet to perfect.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Brace Yourself for 2017: Reskill, Reinvent and Reboot.

image courtesy: http://combiboilersleeds.com/images/reinvent/reinvent-3.jpg

Why is that we tend to view cynically when concerned with future? Why cant the way forward be brilliant. The search for the predictions for 2017 yielded so many results that it was difficult which to discard. But something that met the eye was   ‘Will It Be Easy to Find a Job in 2017?’

Finding a job , in the present scenario, packed with aspirants and applicants by the horde whereby the supply  greatly exceeds the demand, is compounded in its woes with automation leading from the front. A bellwether company in the south asia has actually ‘released’ 9,000 employees because of automation. So battling out with other contenders for a key slot is going to be tough, and to qualify will be a major hurdle. The recruiters are smart to skim the top talent. The important question is: will you find your resume in that short list?

It’s good to greet with good news. Some of the predictions stated were on a promising note  “Tech jobs will continue to boom”, “Responsible workers will be in demand”, and “Hiring will be up for new grads.” Now if that fails to sound positive, what else then?  These are all predictions and not prescient. So take it at face value and look into the future with renewed hope and rekindled spirit. As is the want in any case, preparation is the key.

Its very much evident that in a fiercely competitive market, acute shortage of skill and desired talent for the demanding roles that comes with lucrative packages and high slaries, 2017 is expected to witness the same trends of ot the previous year. Clearly, data security, big data and cloud technologies emerge on the top. With massive breaches at Yahoo  announced last December, security is a major concern, and at the same time presents a great opportunity to make good. Big Data dominated the news in recent times as “weaponized, it is essential that you reskill, reinvent and reboot.

The opportunities are plenty. Be optimistic.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Work-life Balance possible? Oh No! – We do tend to procrastinate.| Time Management

image courtesy: http://tamaramccleary.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hd-tips-worklife.jpg

Work-life Balance possible? Sounds like a trapeze act. For most part of the day, working professionals spend more time at office. That 8+8+8 doesn’t really work out as it is difficult to apportion 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours to work and 8 hours family, friends and folks.  In the present times, it is simply unimaginable. So, forget working it out.

What matters most? work or life?  Some state “family first”, while some “I want to make money”, and others quip “I want to learn more and move soon up the ladder.” Priorities differ from person to person.  There is no question that present times are very demanding and challenging that many professionals, especially, in IT, scratch their head and tear their hair apart in time management. Don’t get surprised to hear like “I wake up before the kids and return when they are fast asleep at night.” From lament, it has become an accustomed line often heard in the corridors or the coffee-dispenser.

Usually, task assignment is done after consulting the concerned professional about the time estimation. Now if you can complete the work in the estimated time, you are meeting expectations. If you complete ahead, then you exceed expectation. In case, you lag behind, you are below expectation. Thats the norm.

Are we working to our optimum potential? Some days, yes. But, consistently? The total output in a day’s work doesn’t really justify your true potential. Our productivity is only as much, because as the day wears out so does our energy and focus. 

A proper time estimation will never utilize more than 8 hours in a day, if not, it’s not a proper estimation. well, then the onus is on the professional to whom the work is assigned, to complete it in 8 hours. Why then the delay? Though some are genuine like a minor bug unexpectedly burning hours to fix resulting in delay which sometimes shocks the developer and the project plan, one cannot dismiss the  tendency to procrastinate due to confidence or complacency. "I will do after lunch or after a break or .." postponing is the most poorest and pathetic way of functioning by a professional, and we all will be guilty of committing this cardinal sin at some point in time. To a Project Manager, that exposes a chink in the armor, and thats why they moniotor closely not just the delay but the reasons behind the delay. A season project manager will attest no project plan will run as scheduled and if it is on course, then there is something wrong somewhere.'Slippage' is expected but not for reasons hat can be avoided or anticipated. Project manager, in fact, get the jitters to note that everything is proceeding as per plan that check and double-check. No project completes as planned and slippage is expected and accepted, only the time of delay is contested. 

That said, You can do your 8-hour stint at office and get home to attend on your personal matters. But why are you stretching hours at the office?  Because concentration is compromised. And we end up burning more hours and eventually burn out.  We might blame people, place and process, but self-admission will shift some of the blame on ourselves as well. Actually, we bite into a lot of hours meant for family by simply procrastinating. Delay! That’s a difficult word to digest. A flight delayed or a train delayed or anything that has to run on time gets delayed makes you restless. What happens when your deliverables are delayed? What happens when you are holed up at office at an hour meant to be with family? Who is to be blamed?

Think about it.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The year 2016 closed on a high note. 2017 is greeted with high hopes.

image credit: https://www.shinetalks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/goodbye-2016-welcome-2017-wallpaper.jpg

The year 2016 closed on a high note. The low-profile CEO of iCert Global went on stage to receive the “Arch of Excellence” award from AIAC. Collecting the award, he commented on the sidelines that, “the key behind the success is our openness to ideas and innovations, especially with customer is in the center stage. Expect the unexpected – be prepared always. Learn from the defense services – why do they do the drill day in and day out?  That’s preparedness.  Keep educating yourself. Reinventing – is learning new things and innovation is about ideation and iterations. Figure out your strength and try channeling in many ways – that’s what makes you versatile.”

True. It was a fitting finale to a trying year filled with uncertainties and yet we prevailed.

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.” So, the ultimate test will be who is the beneficiary of the training? Only when the customer is enabled through education, business grows, and not the other way around. The motive of any venture, undoubtedly, is to make money unless it is philanthropy. Absolutely. It’s the goal of any enterprise to make profit. But how do you make money matters? Money sounds crude, so replace with bottom-line to mask. But whatever words you wish to use, one can’t erase the ultimate objective of making dollars and cents in every engagement. So, how different are we then? Fair enough to question. We exist because of our customers. And the growth is synergetic. But who first? Customer always comes first. It might sound clichéd but that’s the age old truth which has stood the test of time.

At the end of the day, if you have successfully transformed an individual life positively, that’s an incredible feat. Something to feel immensely proud as achievement. At iCert Global, our endeavor is to transform as many lives as possible. We must be futurist in our thoughts, take and toil. Complete customer satisfaction, prompt service, on-schedule and within-budget delivery are the company’s guiding principles.

The soft-spoken, hands-on and low profile CEO signs off in a classic statement that’s inimitable. ‘The award makes us more conscious, now that we have been recognized for excellence. It motivates us to better ourselves, and strive to deliver more than we did before. There is always room for improvement and our performance will pay off eventually in the form of recognition. That’s as important and outstanding as this award. We have very high hopes of outperforming ourselves in 2017. Wish you all a prosperous New Year and success in all your undertakings.”

Happy New Year – 2017 to one and all.