Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blog - RTI

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“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” – and equality is evident at birth alone. With growth, we grow with the notion that justice is not the same as equality. One should not confuse entitlement with rights. Your CEO is entitled to park the car in the reserved slot while in your position you can’t park. Simple. Should you want to park, the only way is to become the CEO! “The promise of equality is not the same as true equality” as quoted by Sheryl Sandburg. All men are born equal and let’s draw a line there please for thenceforth you have to prove your worth. Wait a minute! Does the law state ‘no man is above law and no man is below’? Ah! That’s justice and its blind to the person – be it commoner or millionaire. Alright, so where are we heading?
Tow links arrested my attention

There are much talk of e-governance and mobile governance and yet the nation witnessed  unprecedented internet shut down to counter the crisis that came out of nowhere and though not a knee-jerk reach but counter action as so to control domestic disturbance. It was warranted.  But shutting IT won’t paralyze small industries,   affect the common man and business community that are heavily dependent on internet? If it can happen in a neighbouring state, what’s the assurance that the recurrence won’t be in the state occupied.

We have identified space and technology and with that we also are combating cyber wars. The digital age has transformed  in many dimensions  that were far beyond imagination years when we studies in black board classroom as compared to the modern day smart board. for sure, and that too unimaginable a decade before. Why can the same technology put in use to pull out defence mechanism instead of pulling down the shutters. Where is the right to information and can the privacy of information insulated from infringement? We are not talking about friendly fire but hostile attacks.  What exactly is NASA snooping about?  Big Brother attitude? And is that legal. Many countries have cried foul  and the European union isn't amused in the breach of trust by the most powerful nation of the world?

Four countries that had signed a no-spying agreement with the U.S. — Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — were declared off-limits by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Washington Post  reports, but the court approved a list of 193 countries where the NSA could legally conduct surveillance.– time magazine extract.

Back in our land, a press release that was later retracted imposed that data to be kept alive for a certain duration by the user and the provider, and as a reprieve the user was unsaddled but held the platform accountable – incredulously in this digital age?! [refer the link above]

France cautions a social network not to publish but expunge /erase details at the request of their citizen not only in their country alone but worldwide. The surprised and shocked social media company took up the case against the worldwide ban in the international court and the verdict so far for them is vexing. Now imagine if every citizen stands up in the arms with similar demand wonder what would be the fate of the ‘major power’ in social media. 

This article was deeply influenced by and our fear about the freedom expression and clampdown of critical infrastructures with catastrophic consequences highlighted. Our callousness for inaction till the situation becomes endemic or pandemic is a known problem. Hope this will be an eye-opener.

iCert Global' business is heavily reliant on the internet as we are a Globally Trusted Education provider connecting the nook and corner of the globe. So a day of internet shut down will affect out bottom-line and persistent recurrence can adversely impact our livelihood.

Your highly respected opinions please….

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