Friday, December 23, 2016

When the stakes are high…….| Stakeholder Management

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Reputation management is critical to business interest. Customer experience is THE differentiator in moving the needles. Ensure the user experience in the superlative, lest your business interest would be superseded. Bad user experience is more than a frown. It can beat your bottom-line so hard to mark it purple and bleed crimson. You don’t need others to wreck your image: your action or inaction will do the damage, sometimes beyond repair.

Googled is an acceptable word today replacing ‘searched’. Adults to kids are aware and very much convinced that the search engine has an answer for every query posed. Remarkable, more than a search engine, it becomes kind of a genie ‘to fetch the answer at your beck and call’. It’s no more an illusion of the Alibaba ‘open sesame’. But every tidbit pooled and served as ‘information’ – whether phony or perfect, anything on the net leaves a digital imprint. So it is imperative to be on your toes when it comes to customer service –regardless of the domain or industry as a customer is a customer. In as many languages possible. Period.

What rattles a service provider – it’s the review. For 100 positive review, it just takes one nasty one to make you feel so negative. Like a pin-prick to a blown-up balloon. Why? Is it because bade vibes spread fast and leaves distaste? From your personal experience, check out how many time you have searched for ‘any negative comments’. Because we tend to believe others’ experience. Because we lend credibility to the bitter cry of wrong customer, without even validating the statement, assuming everything typed by an individual is true to the last letter. Because we are too lenient to offer ‘the customer’s experience the benefit of doubt’ rather than question the authenticity of the statement.

If one cares to notice, more than ever new business boom big with growing interest and alarming consumption of the internet that people’s lives are impacted by internet, Google and social media – which seem inevitable and indispensable. Gone is a single day without a shy at the social media and as consumers, our appetite is insatiable. Our hunger to know is fuelled all the more. Our thirst for knowledge is never quenched. It’s for the good? No one is competent to address that poser, but admittedly inadequate to come out with a convincing answer.

When business depends on the customer, then make sure the deal is fair, engagement positive and memories pleasant, else it will boomerang and knock you out of your senses. For the best brand out there, their best ambassador is the customer. The unofficial spokesperson. Any word spoken out of place from that spokesperson can erode your company’s credibility.

We weigh in too much about the personal experience and too much reliance on anecdotes, which can be figment of imagination or statement of exaggeration or just someone settling scores. Words can be far from the truth, but who validates before your reputation is already in ruins.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Certification Counts. But why iCert Global?

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Before it sounds to be another sales pitch, let us be fair at the start with a clear disclaimer that facts must speak for itself, that in the face of evidence any vain claims can just fall flat.

Are you content ‘scratching the surface’ or wish to ‘dig deeper’. The well isn’t dry till you try, be it a person or professional.  Professional Certification proves to be in vogue as an important gradient to success not just adding another dimension but differentiates by its distinction. 

Given the changing patterns of commerce, information overload and plethora of choices available to the customer, the differentiation will be always be based on distinguished minds (Trainers) engaged in delivering the doctrine of intellectual quest.

We wanted to reach out to the customer regardless of the destination to door deliver technology, particularly to a global audience, and the internet revolutionized connectivity by making the world very small. It’s no longer four corners but more like next door neighbor. 
The combination of brilliance complemented with exemplary course material delivered to the delight of the participant – the ‘fantastic’ user experience is the underscoring criterion for success and so far we seldom struggled but always strived with long strides to better our peers in terms of pace. We operate in nearly 3 continents, and successfully trained more than 100,000 professionals.

iCert Global, most certainly and well deservedly, reserves its own place in this exclusive space.

iCert Global Awarded the Arch of Excellence by AIAC, 2016

iCert Global , the Startup from Houston, that stood top wining the ARCH of Excellence 2016 Award  from AIAC Excellence 2016 award  

Some make news. Some find themselves in the news. iCert Global, a US-based Startup offering professional certification training, made headlines when AIAC awarded the ‘Arch of Excellence’.  The company’s CEO Irfan Sharief’’, cited, “the key behind the success is our openness to ideas and innovations, especially with customer in the center stage. Expect the unexpected – be prepared always. Learn from the defense services – why is that the army does the drill day in and day out?  That’s preparedness.  Keep educating yourself. Reinventing – is learning new things and innovation is about iterations in ideas. Figure out your strength and try channeling in many ways – that’s what makes you versatile.

Training is our core competency but where we made headway in the competition is the delivery with a personalized touch. I always admire this quote and live by it as a decree that ‘if you don’t take care of your customer, someone else will’. Its true for any business. The only way to standout is to shine in customer care.”

Irfan further added, “First try to understand the customer’s requirements. Training is too broad, instead tailor it to every individual. It so happens that some individuals have common interest, it is to that collected group we conduct our workshops and boot camps. Yes, you can apply Stephen Covey’s principle of ‘Begin with the end in mind’, and so long you are committed to reskill and upskill every participant, you not only deliver but truly add value to their lives.

Your learning will be tested in its application, and that’s the reason why we engage trainers rich in experience and domain expertise.   The most fulfilling moment is when a participant calls or writes to us about the effectiveness of our services.

This Arch of Excellence award humbles us as an organization and motivates us to move forward in furthering our customer’s interest. Out start was simple, and managed to post a modest figure in our first year and then on there was looking back. Presently we registered, 400% as year and year growth. On behalf of iCert Global, I wish to thank AIAC for recognizing our potential and appreciate all those involved, especially the corporate and individual practitioners for having placed their faith confidently in our capabilities.” 


There was something more assertive in the tone of the young entrepreneur who still in his twenties has nearly 8 years of work experience tucked under his belt. When posed how, he answered ‘well, I have been working since school days. I managed my own graduation and worked night shifts to support myself and the savings to seed fund my own company.”

Was it tough? “Yes, but it was an amazing learning experience that helped me realize the hardships as education can prove expensive. I could sense that struggle in some of my classmates. Looking back, the entrepreneurial streak sparked during the discussion with fellow mates airing grievances about affording good education. The ground work would begin few years later though but that spark was definitely at college.”

Irfan Sharief is the founder and CEO of iCert Global, a edutech startup with headquarters in Houston, Texas, United Sates and offers its services across the atlas, with prominent presence in 3 continents.

Besides, United States of America, they are very active in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and United Arab Emirates. The company’s footprints gradually are all over the place. Initially the operations were limited to key geographical locations.

Maintaining a very low-profile and prefer to let the results speak, he adds, ‘every role performed by a professional here is something I have dirtied my hands-on. I have cut my teeth in the industry by slogging for some years, more for the apprenticeship to learn the industry well before taking off on my own. It helps to be hands-on. To stay relevant in this industry, you must realign and reskill.”

iCert Global  is  a Registered professional certification organization in the areas of Project Management [PMP®, PRINCE2®, MSP], Service management [ITIL Foundation, Intermediate, MALC and Expert Track], Quality Management [Six Sigma Green Belt & Lean Six Sigma Black Belt], Agile & Scrum [CSM, PMI-ACP®, CSPO], Citrix, Cisco and Emerging Technologies. 

The Reason and rationale
Irfan Sharief founded iCert Global aiming at closing the competency gap by effectively using internet as a platform to provide quality education at affordable cost. Irfan countered “When internet sparked a revolution in ecommerce, why not education? In fact, the cost of education is significantly lower. If so, what stops them? What do you get in a college that would be missed in virtual classes? A certificate endorsing the education?  Fair enough. What about getting something similar online as well?  It was then the governing bodies stepped up and started issuing online certification.  If one cares to look around, the pace and ease with which customers took to the change by ‘going digital’ is by far the best in market response. Brick and mortar options for college system are limited in number to cater to the ever growing educational needs. The best alternative can be provided by internet.

The founding thoughts on iCert Global were primarily connecting the corners of the globe in imparting exceptional education at remarkably low-priced classes. When queried about the etymology or the reason choosing such a name for his company, Irfan came out candidly “ Many ask me, why name iCert Global? Well, that embodies and epitomizes our mission and vision statement. iCert means online certifications, and ‘Global’ represents ‘world-wide audience’. You just have to connect.”

Starting from scratch
Recalling the stint served in learning the ropes, Irfan accepts “Whatever earned during the stint as ‘apprentice’ was pooled as seed funding to start the company.” The concern was not capital but crew. The challenge right at the start was to enroll talent that can get behind him in steering ahead. “Admittedly, it was very difficult, and understandably, who would want to drop what they are doing to join me in a startup.” So known contacts that trusted his vision and versatility agreed to pitch in and joined aboard.

It was a start from scratch with few who followed the founder. Back in 2013, it wasn’t neither crowded by competition nor funded with so many investors. The pick-up was slow and the pace sluggish. The company took a year to establish and by the second started gaining steam mostly by word of mouth.

Was it prescient or path breaking?
“Neither” responded Irfan “as there was not much leveraging of the online experience towards education. We had great difficulty to accept the concept of college empowered by internet. This certainly was something I chewed on endlessly.”

When iCert Global became operational, the last two quarters reported on lead conversions and business was done. The first two were consumed with the typical activities in setting up, and bootstrapping. 

The need for skilled professionals led to the growth of the online. A professional feels incomplete without a ‘professional certification.’ So why not empower?

One look at the growing user base will be a good start to uncover the startling growth realized in the years. On a year on year basis, the sales pushed the needles and still at it. The company initially riding on the big wave of the courses and slowly emerged from its own shadow banking on its  strong word of mouth marketing, to outperform its own forecasts.

“When I hear newly coined vocations like ‘new collar’, it might sound prescient but I wouldn’t feign prediction. Projection is the word. One could see the gap widen between the supply and demand. We have resources but not quality resources who qualify to the needs. That’s how the gap gets widened. And if you look into the investments, notably the footfalls that walk in ready to invest, the private equity firms’ readiness to fund nearly $208 million into the education sector presents the incredible scope to scale higher.  And if you look into our offering, we have broadened in every category and the pipeline is lined up with the latest offerings ready to roll anytime.,” opined Irfan.

From modest start to 400%

Irfan isn’t taken in by surprise nor exudes overconfidence. “During our start, sales were in spurts. In fact even in those days of setting up office, calls started trickling in and I was quite sure and confident of creating an impact. The figures are for the record, but what really matters is the customer’s experience. Not one in the industry has a track record of 99% success rate, and this I state with humility. You may ask how? Once  a participant completes the training, its not end for us, rather credibility is earned during post-sales. We follow-up with our customer (read a participant), and those who couldn’t, for some reason, clear in the first attempt is offered revision session to brush up the basics to advance without any charge. Likewise, the examination fee charged is makes the eligible to appear for one exam. In case candidate fails, we make them reappear after prepping up without charging for the examination. This was done without any publicity or fanfare and soon the word spread around and we saw our sales spike, and witnessed unprecedented growth year after year. That’s how, aided by our client’s expectation and desire to exceed their expectation, we set the norm and outperform” concluded the founder sounding upbeat about the year’s achievement and remains very optimistic about the outcome. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

are WE professional?

Sounds good? It’s just the sound. Wish we all, as professionals, can conduct like one. My friend with that swagger would brag ‘the moment I enter the office, I remove my personal suit and don the professional blazer’ like a jersey by a footballer ready to play ball. I bought that line for he was very convincing given his long hours, competence, career path strewn with glowing accolades from clients and colleagues. Besides, he was my buddy. Well, I for one, in the corporate context was the turncoat. I was like Tommy Lee Jones in the movie ‘Fugitive’ – even in the call of duty he will stress “Yes, it’s personal ‘. To me ‘everything was personal. There is nothing professional even in the ‘line of work -’ an aphorism he abhorred, thrashing me time and again as ‘conduct unbecoming’. I couldn’t care any less as I wore the way and carried myself as it suited – call me professional or petty, I dusted it off my shoulders.

The definition of Professional/professionalism, especially the academic ones are galore if you glance Google. So my interest is more from ‘what exactly we know to be a professional?’ I sure don’t wear two suits, besides the claim to split personalities like scissoring a piece of cloth is unacceptable – even clinically. When you have a sick spouse at home who needs your attention and a deep crisis in the project which you are leading – you stay at home nursing or report to work firefighting? It’s a moral call, and truly professional and personal. Many of us, from my own experience, will place someone at home to sit in your place and rush to office because there is no one to replace. It boils down to the most significant aspect of ‘dispensability’. In terms of priority, both are equally important, so while you HAVE TO BE PRESENT at work, the spouse can’t be sidelined and hence the phone is abuzz with feeds about progress from home. Multitasking?

Now this is not a specific scenario for a particular individual? Check the pulse in the professional arena and you will hear scream and shouts of “I second”. Like a log of wood lit on fire at both ends and left to deal with the unforeseen, wondering which to fend first. Is that a moral dilemma or a professional predicament? Won’t you agree, any which ways, it becomes very personal? We are humans made up of flesh and bones, not robots programmed to ‘respond’ to a request. And emotions always run high. If you are devoid, either you are an exceptional person or exceedingly good at camouflaging.

Bottom line – as my good friend quipped “what do you mean by being Professional?”, very valid as we are so used to using that word without knowing its definition because everyone employs it – be it vernacular or scholarly speech. I tried with the amateur turned pro line because in sports a ‘pro’ is one who plays for pay while amateur pursues as pastime, besides the skill level is a far cry from a seasoned player. A clear distinction but then we aren’t seated in a stadium but sharing space in an office separated by cubicles. So what makes one a professional in the corporate circle?

Professionalism, as most perceive as well-groomed, neatly-attired, impeccable manners, which indeed are important and inclusive. Is it limited with these attributes? Setting aside the heavy-duty business jargons the quintessential aspect is being truthful and transparent when your ‘yes’ is a ‘YES’ and ‘No’ is ‘NO’; when you have the courage and conviction to call a spade a spade. The litmus test will be the integrity and excellence, and we are a mixed bag. It’s not a thin line but a fine one that tugs your conscience in addressing the call of your child when you are stuck deep in a deadlock in the project working hard to iron out the impasse.

Be critical; don’t criticize 

Another attribute that put an individual to a great sense of discomfort would be the viciousness when voice amplifies as vociferous. We victimize by making it a vendetta when difference of opinions should be aired without offending the sense and sentiment. Words can wound and enslave; sting and scald; Vitriolic and vengeful. Seasoned professional have their own way in making it sound so ‘personal’ and still communicate the message professionally. An incident is worth narrating: We worked in agile methodology where the day begins with a ‘stand-up meeting’ and latecomers are strongly discouraged without resorting to reprimand. It was another team at work and the team lead was charismatic and quite a contender in leadership. With arms folded, he greeted the team members as they stepped, and once the watch clicked ‘time’, the latecomers were greeted with a wider grin “check the clock, and count the heads. We will pass on our flavor of ice-cream” and true to the words, the team was treated to ice-cream. Within a week, the team was clocking ‘on-time’ arrival. Brilliant! “They are mature enough to own up their act, and pay for it as well. Don’t think they need to be told. They know” was his response to me when queried why no disciplinary action was initiated. “We did. There is discipline. Studied silence has its own share of success”. It doesn’t get better than that – you win a battle without shooting a bullet or shedding a drop of blood and yet there is a battle. Baffling!

When professional, be professional. 

The toughest of all is ‘to be professional’. I wish to recall my father’s advice “detached attachment. Learn to express your love without mollycoddling. The care will become a curse. Safeguard your sanity.” A man of very few words, he always spoke to us in Silence – that stern glare said it all. But we do have to reconcile to the fact that spending10 plus hours in a common space with co-workers makes office as THE HOME and colleagues more as family. I did my math and the actual waking hours at home were so less my five fingers proved too many. So you make sure office is as good as home, if not better start treating like one. Not lethargic but responsible. ‘Distance lends enchantment to the view’, so ‘close’ doesn’t have a personal connotation, rather its resembles the sync in ideology, the same wave of frequency, common grounds, our communion in word and deed, and remember there is always this invisible wall impregnable erected for our good lest we fail and fall on moral values. We need to strike the right balance and govern by a code of conduct – not by a rule book as our guideline but the very conscience. 

In conclusion, I still stand by my ‘personal’ stance and strive as much to conduct professionally. We are not mercenaries on a mission, but mortals with our own strength and shortcoming. The workplace should be treated fairly with the admission and accommodation of ‘personal’ needs that extends beyond our immediate family. 

When professional, may we be professional. It’s not a plea, but a prayer.

How iCert Global empowers the Professionals across the Globe

iCert Global is the fastest growing Education Industry, both as an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) and Accredited Examination Centre (AEC).

It was a humble beginning in a 1 BHK flat. A simple flat for soaring ambition, is by itself too ambitious. The founder and CEO Irfan Sharief, recollects being very independent as a child, and quips “I guess it’s the self-reliance more than independence - the resolve to live on my own legs. That attitude perhaps strengthened my determination in the days to come. “

He funded his own education by moonlighting and also gained a first-hand experience of the financial hardship in educating oneself. “Surely, there has to be some other alternative to college.” That was a nagging thought that trailed him long since he successfully graduated and got to work in the education domain.

Life, in a way, is more comfortable if you are salaried because you are taken care, well-fed, sheltered and most of the needs attended. Hence this guaranteed life is a good deal for many who just settle down pushing paper and changing chairs.
On my own

Entrepreneurship is about getting out of the comfort zone and come to face those insecurities and uncertainties with grit and gumption. Irfan always wanted to go on his own, and that nagging thought turned out to be the idea incubation. He aimed at providing alternate to brick and Mortar College by enabling the internet as the medium for knowledge transfer so that education is affordable and accessible.

He decided to break free and took the plunge. Soon he checked into a 1BHK flat which would be office cum home for months. Finance was from friends and family – it was not a gamble but a tug on the back or call of the hour that he decided to pursue his passion of ‘empowerment through education.’

Vital Statistics and Vision statement

The HBR 2012 stated in their survey done globally of managers and leaders, a compelling 67% felt the need to update their middle level management programs. Alarming was the talent gap even at graduate level with only 15% of potential students emerging out successfully. What happened to the remaining? So brick and mortar colleges won’t suffice and education space offered good scope and space to grow and scale.

Present day’s statistics of the surplus funding seen in the education stream almost to $208 million dollars might appear to connect the dots but 3 years back it was sporadic, with investors hard to come by. So the first statement to be written was the vision ‘To become most preferred organization in training, consultancy.”

The target market being educated professionals, the mission was to ‘enrich education and empower professionals’. And the mission was not just to retain talent but reach out to the unemployed or fresh graduates and train them to bolster their confidence in employment pursuits. Complementing the physical classroom, online or virtual classrooms found traction and the demand for organizing classes started to grow in numbers – for primary reasons of cost and access because comparatively the cost was much lower and the flexibility to plan study was convenient.

Handful of employees and few thousands

Registered in 2013, operational by mid of 2013, with a handful of employees and few thousands in funding, the company today caters to the education needs of both corporate and individual, offering their services across 3 continents and 150 nations.
With headquarters in Houston, United States, the Company is primarily into online Professional Certification training programs and successfully trained and transformed the lives of more than 50,000 professionals.

Industry experts with years of experience and domain knowledge design and develop the course ware, ably delivered by our capable Trainers, who themselves are renowned and recognized in their sphere of work.

The most significant aspect in this business is to understand the context and customize the offering. To make the engagement more meaningful and not business-like. The takeaway of the customer should make them reconsider. That’s the bottom line.

iCert Global at its inception offered training on select certification courses. Today, it has an array of courses and attractive catalogue that should meet most of your needs.

modes of Learning
3 modes of learning, namely Classroom which will be a face-to-face instructor led sessions, Live Virtual Instructor-led Training for those with a disadvantage to travel, and finally the self-paced e-Learning which you can take up anywhere, anytime.

core Offerings

iCert Global has heavily invested in programs like Project Management, ITIL Practices, Quality Management, Cloud Computing, Agile & Scrum and Emerging Technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, SalesForce and so on.

Key features
Some of the key features include money back guarantee, free revision session on request, career counseling, Professional Development Units (PDU), comprehensive course ware, assistance and arrangement while filling exam application forms (many are misled by the notion it’s a breeze. If anything, it’s arduous and quite demanding. You sure need assistance and that where you will appreciate our assistance).


iCert Global as one of the fastest growing edTech brand is accredited by leading governing bodies and examination centres like Axelos, TÃœV SÃœD, IIBA, PeopleCert, Acquiros

Clientele include some of the fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, hp, Capegemini, Cognizant, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM, Infosys to name a few.
And yes, that 1 BHk proved too small to occupy 200+ workforce. The company has shifted its premise to a vantage point, known to be the hub of learning.

Different People, different Demands
Not everyone who walks in wants the same, and there were instances when a group enrolled for the same course. So, different people make different demand and the ability to rise up the ask calls for a kind of agility that sets one apart.
The market is ferocious, cut-throat and competitive. It’s the fighting spirit and survival instincts that enable to keep the head above the water. The endurance and perseverance in pursuit in excellence in any engagement is the differentiating factor. “The benchmark is set by the customer or consumers of our services and we find the yardstick rising, which in a way is healthy as it increases appetite and inspires to scale further. The world today has no boundary, and competition can crop from anywhere. We have seen some rough weather and sailed smooth. So those roaring waves and soothing water are nothing new to us. If anything, they grow in intensity and gear us to be more prepared,” remarked Irfan about the competition.

“Other names in the industry make us to acknowledge they too have a space to share but our uniqueness is underscored by our competency and capacity to deliver as testified by the success rate of 99% with more than 50,000 professionals from various industry verticals all across the receiving quality tutelage in clearing certification” acknowledged the founder, who is still in his late twenties and already rich in work experience with more than 8 active years to his credit.

Irfan is buoyant about the market performance and the company’s growth has been positive and quite steady at the rate of 15-20 percent and sales forecast has climbed in numbers with the coming months expected to pick up steam and move the needles.

‘think about them’

Every individually is talented and abled, and physical limitation is never a limitation to the one who can qualify on merits. And so far iCert Global has provided employment opportunities to those whose services have been on par and earned our appreciation and faith so that more such persons call follow their footprint. Hence, the most incredible and impressive aspect is the opportunities provided for the “Differently-abled’ people. We believe they are ‘special and significantly-abled’..

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Steven Covey’s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important.

This blog is part of the  Steven Covey’s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important.

Quadrant 2 has been highlighted here as we know that its been recommended that when we spent more than 80% of our time on this quadrant indicates that we are self-organized people/team.

What does it require to get us there?

·         Priority of the Tasks/Activities. We tend spend our time on trivial and insignificant activities. This happens when the priority and criticality of the work/tasks is unknown.

·         Well defined plan. One should know when each task needs to be delivered and what exactly to be delivered and how much effort is required to deliver the same. When a resource what needs to be done and by when, it makes management more organized and also meet deadlines and deliverables.

Blockers which could potential reasons for not being in Quadrant 2?

·         People – Behavioral. (important to get the team’s buy-in in any mission. Also avoid unnecessary distractions. Inculcate self-discipline and accountability for the hours spent. Otherwise your burn rate can bring down the work.)

·         Lack of Tools
When people are not equipped with lack of tools or system for them to be organized that could potentially lead them towards other Quadrants

·         Vision/Objective – Person or Program or Project
Whether its individual or Program/Project, one should have mission/vision on short term or long term which will help them to drive through the path(which is intermediate milestones) which helps people to plan their schedule well ahead

How PMP can help to bring the team or Program move to Quadrant #2?
·         Clear plan with detailed schedule/effort

Even the tasks of Quadrant #1 (Urgent & Important) can be managed with Proper communication management.


Monday, November 28, 2016

The Cost of Employee Engagement – may be a lunch | HR Management

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(an account by one of our staff)

Personal stories really connect.

One of the employees seeking a day off met the HR for sanction. When queried for the reason, the employee responded “wedding anniversary”. Offering her congratulations, the HR requested for 5 minutes time. And then came around ‘where would you want to take your wife out tomorrow?”

The puzzled employee was taken aback by surprise and blurted “we don’t have any such plans. Just spend time together.”

The HR persisted “will it be lunch or dinner? How about candlelight dinner?”

Still in a daze, the employee politely declined the offer and thanked her thoughtfulness.

“I am not sponsoring. It’s the company’s gift. Why don’t you call your wife and let me know.”

“Thanks. Then we would prefer lunch.”

“Where exactly do you stay? I mean, your residential address.” The HR made careful note and sought another 10 minutes.

“A table for two booked tomorrow. The venue details messaged to you. Congratulations and hope you guys enjoy the lunch.” She greeted and parted.

Reaching home, the employee shared the ‘luncheon’ with his spouse, who smiled “hey, that’s really nice. Which place?”

“I don’t know but HR will message the venue.” And checked his phone. It was some name not that familiar “at least we can check it out and hope the food tastes good.”

When the couple showed up at the place, they were taken in by surprise. It was not some non-descript restaurant  as expected but star hotel. He would recollect “we were treated royally from the valet to the manager. First time I have ever been to a hotel like that and of course, it was quite an expensive lunch.”

His wife was intrigued and unspeakably impressed “never expected it to be so grand. How come we never heard and that too within our vicinity.” The employee understood why the HR took pain to know about the address. The drive was less than 3 miles and the food fabulous. And the place close – unthinkable, even for a wedding anniversary lunch.

Over that ‘umpteen’ course lunch, someone always waiting upon and filling the plate with something to munch, it was an amazing experience. Over ‘chow’ time, the wife queried “why this place? And why you? Do they do it for all the staff?”

"I dont know. First time for me." responded the employee lost in thoughts.

It was difficult a choice – which was more sweet? The dessert or the company’s decision.

“You know what, you must stay here. Even the place I work could think of something as ‘personal’ like this lunch, “ stressed the wife and surprised employee looked up “you mean, they just bought my loyalty for this table full of food?”

“It’s not the food or star-studded hotel. It is how they treat you. The kind of personal touch that makes you feel truly special. Respect. It gives a sense of belonging. Come to think of it, why didn’t my company surprise me with such an invite? Because, the personal connect probably missed the preoccupied minds. I am planning to offer the same to my team. Your company left an indelible mark and I am going to remember this lunch for a long time. Terrific HR. I am amazed. Seriously. “ that was an awesome toast.

She is right. Respect. You can’t buy anyone with a buffet. Commitment is a call within and how you a strike a chord matters. The company’ thoughtfulness in celebrating an employee’s milestone ‘measured in full’ their worthiness.

Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. Booker T. Washington

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PMP® - One of The Possible Pitfalls is ‘Procrastination’ | Project Management

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Many talented professionals who are capable of cracking the PMP® exam at their first attempt fail to do so for a number of reasons ranging from domestic to demand of the day. But the most common amongst the reasons attributed is ‘Procrastination’.
“No Time” is the often heard refrain. Whether they develop cold feet or deeply immersed in their work to take shift their attention, the PMP Exam is given a pass and pushed to another day.

Some of the professionals interviewed cited reasons that might sound unbelievable, but then that’s their version. We have listed some for your reference as a precautionary note not to delay or defer in taking up the exam. Every single day you lose is something lost forever. On case your mind is set in appearing for the exam and obstacles of any kind can appear as stumbling blocks, you still can overcome the odds and not use or search for excuses.

Here are some reasons listed for Procrastination:

“It’s too tough” - of course, it’s tough. PMP® actually moderates from average to tough and calls for dedicated study and determined efforts. The view from the top is terrific but you got to toil to get to the top.

“I AM BUSY. I don’t have time” – No one has the time to spare. Try checking with anyone and a volley of reasons backed with rationale will be thrown in return. MAKE TIME. You can always apportion time. You really don’t consume all the 24 hours. So late nights, early mornings, and of obviously, the weekend is all yours to prepare for PMP. We do find time to make ourselves free for occasions and get-together by freeing up bandwidth. Studies are a struggle since childhood and in adulthood with more responsibilities sagging the shoulder, and hence it’s no easy feat to sit and burn the midnight oil. ‘Nothing great was ever accomplished without making sacrifices.’

“The Job Pressure is too much” – agreed. We all have gone through the grind and it’s difficult to focus when your mind is constantly analysing multiple scenarios and multitasking. Despite the pressure, can you rise up to meet the challenge? Determination. When the traffic too much, do you just reverse the vehicle and go back home or maneuver to find way to office? Studying despite the hardships is likewise. Most succeed because they are determined.

“May be next month” – the worst excuse. If something is to be done, better do it immediately. Tomorrow never comes, so how will next month? We only avoid accepting to spell the truth and instead pretend using the pretext of ‘another day’.  As it is written, ‘If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives’.

“I am not good enough” – that’s accepting defeat even before the fight. How would you know unless you attempted. So, all those appear for the PMP exam pass? There are no failures? Wrong. Even those failed should be applauded for their audacity to make an attempt, and failure will push them further to fare better. So long you qualify with the prerequisites set by PMI®, you are as good as any applicant. Just that you are poor on confidence. Build self-confidence and go for it. You will emerge triumphant.

The reasons to slow you down or stop may be innumerable. Bear in mind that it’s the strong that survives and succeeds. SO DO IT NOW.

“Its not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

Monday, November 14, 2016

PMP® - Did You Know About the Demand? | Project Management

Did you know the rise of the demand for qualified project managers? 12%*

Did you know   number of jobs expected to be created in the global industries  like  IT,  BFSI, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Construction?  It’s about 15 million jobs.*

Did you know the median salary of a project manager in the U.S? $108,000*

Did you know how much more a PMP credential holder earns? 16% more*

Did you know the number of number of PMP credential holders at the beginning of 2014? 600,000   (723,067 as of May 2016.)*

* The data presented about is sourced from PMI’s Industry Forecast – “Project Management between 2010+2020”, March 2013.

So it is interesting to note that the PMP certification has not lost its sheen. If anything, things are brighter for the PMP holder who commands immense respect in the market. The syllabus after Jan 11, 2016 has been upgraded and the exam is tougher than before , thus clearing the certification is  matter of pride and prestigious as well. As a certified professional you are an inch taller, and for sure head over shoulder amongst your peers, who are uncertified.

There are some impressive infographics about project management – in terms of need, importance, growth and salary

PMI’s Pulse  of the Profession: The High Cost of Low Profession 2014’
PMI’s project Management Talent Gap Report 2013
PwC’s Insights and Trends: Current Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Practices’

The trends forecast job-openings all over the map and the salary structure seems to be growing in pyramid. But the most important insight from the infographics is the 'losing of 109 Million Dollars for every Billion spent on Projects and Programs'.

You can  create a difference. Do you want to do PMP and imprint your own footprint? 

What are you waiting for? Do it Now!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

LEARN While you EARN | Professional Certification

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Haven’t we read that before? Yes, but it never hurts to read once again. How many times you would have watched the movie Godfather and still not enough!

Much has been written about. So let’s look from a personal experience as narrated.

The person, a close confidante of the author of this article, is today serving as Vice-President in a prestigious firm.

“If I were to begin all over again, I wouldn’t have accepted the offer made by the MNC. Instead I would choose a startup.” I didn’t interrupt and it turned out to be a monologue.

“When I joined the company, everything that existed was set carefully in place and played on. My addition in the workforce was to execute the delegated task. The productivity, I must say, was amazing - machine-like efficiency. No doubt. The system was great. No complaints – whatsoever. It was indeed a privilege, and needless to mention, the pay, perks all the way to the pantry was fascinating. Somehow I sensed despite having everything, something was missing. I must have really done well at work, as I was never appraised less than ‘beyond expectation’. So I was pretty good in getting the job done and very confident about myself overall. That said, the feeling of confined and compartmentalized was overwhelming – even though I enjoyed complete freedom with a caveat:  the canvas was neatly dotted for the boundary as if to inform ‘within the territory’. Ah! No trespassing allowed. 

Absorbed in my work, and moved ahead in my career as rank and file, I missed out on learning existing technology, being content by staying on the surface or at the most scratching. Never dived deep. Never explored what lies beneath. Because it wasn’t necessary then. We focused on what needs to get the job done. Even some overzealous attempt or any initiatives will be stricken with 'stick to the specific tasks please'.

Learn First’
Today is a different story altogether. Students brimming with ideas either set up something on their own or settle for a start-up.  Money is not the motivation – may be they have back-up or supportive sponsors in their parents. Whatever, but they listen to their instincts – something I didn’t, and always investing in knowledge capital by enrolling for this program or that certification. So for them it’s ‘Learn First’. Their smirk is almost infectious when looking at your eyes to say “today I am after you guys, but tomorrow evaluating my net worth in knowledge capital, you guys will be chasing me. As such they are not broke or chewing their nails all the way to the finger bones figuring about the next meal. No, they are planning to upstage one another or usher in a revolution. It’s their fierce competitive spirit and dare to do the unthinkable. Fear doesn’t seem frighten them at all, and their risk appetite simply amazes me. 

Deep Pockets or Schools of Learning
MNCs are flush with funds and can hence afford to shop for talent. Also they hire 'dedicated' resource, meaning hire made exclusively to execute a set of tasks that calls for a particular skill set. All of my career, I would worn one hat that probably grew up in size. A Project Manager will have PMO to shift some of the responsibility attended by delegation and supervision. That’s a luxury in a start-up. 

Startups are cash strapped. Don’t be surprised even if basic amenities are lacking. If you get back to the industrial jargon of 'Job Rotation' which had every worker engaging in all the activities to get hands-on and dependence of any particular employee is cut down , but then it had its cons as you can’t become an 'expert' by doing all chores. So it boiled down to Jack of all trades or Master of one. 

In software, especially startup, you actually don many hats. It’s common to come across a Project manager who is also the Business Analyst, Customer Interface, Test Manager, and some even roll up their sleeves and code. That’s versatility. The ability to take up any position and perform. The pay may not be that glossy but the returns are measured in knowledge acquisition.  One gains a toe-hold initially and working on different subjects provides a foot-hold. You can see them dress-up their resume with an array of certifications. From my experience switching from one lane isn’t that easy. A Microsoft player will find it difficult to migrate to opens-source languages, whereas a proficient Java programmer with some effort can soon dirty fingers in php, perl or python with little time spent on transition - because the need of the hour is immediate leaving not much time for learning. Some professionals actually learn 'on the go'. It’s a matter of perform or perish, and to keep the head above water they just do what needs to be done. So multifaceted is the word.

Certifications really count.
Once they are groomed and gained enough ground, then it’s time for making money. The logic offered is ' at the start of the career, expenses are for basic needs and there is enough time to study the trends and shape yourself. But once you get into married life, there are more responsibilities besides the expenses.'

So to start, I prefer startup to reinforce your learning. Learn as much as you can. With passage of time, and the need of the hour to settle domestically, marriage and family, money, of course matters. Then on employment and education must go hand-in-hand. That’s the mantra.

I have all that figured out in hindsight and though i can reset the time, I do pass as tips to those who seek my advice. Learn and keep learning. Certifications really count. Had I earned a PMP® certification, the monetary incentives aside, the in-depth study of the subjects has been deprived. I still find myself shallow in terms of learning and understanding, and enrolling for such professional certifications could have altered the landscapes completely. 

The capital gains from learning are just great for not only you benefits but create so many beneficiaries. There are no walls or boundaries.  The canvas is theirs to occupy. Guess that’s the defining moment and even the differing aspect when I relate the past to the present. “

Well said.