Monday, November 28, 2016

The Cost of Employee Engagement – may be a lunch | HR Management

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(an account by one of our staff)

Personal stories really connect.

One of the employees seeking a day off met the HR for sanction. When queried for the reason, the employee responded “wedding anniversary”. Offering her congratulations, the HR requested for 5 minutes time. And then came around ‘where would you want to take your wife out tomorrow?”

The puzzled employee was taken aback by surprise and blurted “we don’t have any such plans. Just spend time together.”

The HR persisted “will it be lunch or dinner? How about candlelight dinner?”

Still in a daze, the employee politely declined the offer and thanked her thoughtfulness.

“I am not sponsoring. It’s the company’s gift. Why don’t you call your wife and let me know.”

“Thanks. Then we would prefer lunch.”

“Where exactly do you stay? I mean, your residential address.” The HR made careful note and sought another 10 minutes.

“A table for two booked tomorrow. The venue details messaged to you. Congratulations and hope you guys enjoy the lunch.” She greeted and parted.

Reaching home, the employee shared the ‘luncheon’ with his spouse, who smiled “hey, that’s really nice. Which place?”

“I don’t know but HR will message the venue.” And checked his phone. It was some name not that familiar “at least we can check it out and hope the food tastes good.”

When the couple showed up at the place, they were taken in by surprise. It was not some non-descript restaurant  as expected but star hotel. He would recollect “we were treated royally from the valet to the manager. First time I have ever been to a hotel like that and of course, it was quite an expensive lunch.”

His wife was intrigued and unspeakably impressed “never expected it to be so grand. How come we never heard and that too within our vicinity.” The employee understood why the HR took pain to know about the address. The drive was less than 3 miles and the food fabulous. And the place close – unthinkable, even for a wedding anniversary lunch.

Over that ‘umpteen’ course lunch, someone always waiting upon and filling the plate with something to munch, it was an amazing experience. Over ‘chow’ time, the wife queried “why this place? And why you? Do they do it for all the staff?”

"I dont know. First time for me." responded the employee lost in thoughts.

It was difficult a choice – which was more sweet? The dessert or the company’s decision.

“You know what, you must stay here. Even the place I work could think of something as ‘personal’ like this lunch, “ stressed the wife and surprised employee looked up “you mean, they just bought my loyalty for this table full of food?”

“It’s not the food or star-studded hotel. It is how they treat you. The kind of personal touch that makes you feel truly special. Respect. It gives a sense of belonging. Come to think of it, why didn’t my company surprise me with such an invite? Because, the personal connect probably missed the preoccupied minds. I am planning to offer the same to my team. Your company left an indelible mark and I am going to remember this lunch for a long time. Terrific HR. I am amazed. Seriously. “ that was an awesome toast.

She is right. Respect. You can’t buy anyone with a buffet. Commitment is a call within and how you a strike a chord matters. The company’ thoughtfulness in celebrating an employee’s milestone ‘measured in full’ their worthiness.

Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. Booker T. Washington

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