Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Steven Covey’s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important.

This blog is part of the  Steven Covey’s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important.

Quadrant 2 has been highlighted here as we know that its been recommended that when we spent more than 80% of our time on this quadrant indicates that we are self-organized people/team.

What does it require to get us there?

·         Priority of the Tasks/Activities. We tend spend our time on trivial and insignificant activities. This happens when the priority and criticality of the work/tasks is unknown.

·         Well defined plan. One should know when each task needs to be delivered and what exactly to be delivered and how much effort is required to deliver the same. When a resource what needs to be done and by when, it makes management more organized and also meet deadlines and deliverables.

Blockers which could potential reasons for not being in Quadrant 2?

·         People – Behavioral. (important to get the team’s buy-in in any mission. Also avoid unnecessary distractions. Inculcate self-discipline and accountability for the hours spent. Otherwise your burn rate can bring down the work.)

·         Lack of Tools
When people are not equipped with lack of tools or system for them to be organized that could potentially lead them towards other Quadrants

·         Vision/Objective – Person or Program or Project
Whether its individual or Program/Project, one should have mission/vision on short term or long term which will help them to drive through the path(which is intermediate milestones) which helps people to plan their schedule well ahead

How PMP can help to bring the team or Program move to Quadrant #2?
·         Clear plan with detailed schedule/effort

Even the tasks of Quadrant #1 (Urgent & Important) can be managed with Proper communication management.


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