Friday, November 4, 2016

Marketing – Traditional Touch to Technology Transformation | Digital Marketing

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With the advent of internet originality became the first casualty? it might be contested, even disputed, but difficult to dismiss.

Lets look at the brighter side – which is broadening. Internet ignited the creativity in a way as no other force before. Check out the innovations and the improvisation.

Consequently marketing and promotion are also undergoing radical changes. Now direct marketing is addressed as ‘organic’ and referral leads as ‘inorganic’. The online presence used to complement’ brick and mortar’ or structural outlets. There are shops set up exclusively online with no ‘offline’ presence, meaning there is no shop or outlet to purchase. The only way is ‘shop online’.  Of course, the fly-by-night operators might still exists, credibility counts. Integrity is at stake and also offered the best collateral to the customer. Customer comments or complaints can make or mar business. Reviews are treated respectfully

When and where did the diversion happen?
It would be interesting to note that the introduction and adaptation of plastic money was the game changer. This was even before Google became a  juggernaut. But people stuck to traditional and conventional mode of shopping. The online ‘effect’ at its infancy didn’t promise much given the inexperience of the customer compounded with the insecurity. Online shopping was provided more ‘as a service’ initially as compared to the fast growing present day eCommerce, which is proving to be indispensable.

Why the surge in online shopping? Anecdotal Narration.  
Today, the customer is spoilt for choices, and there are more areas and avenues opening. Competition always favors the customer. To generate traffic to the website, companies go all out …when we take pride in ‘eye for details’,  marketing is driven on this paradigm of publishing details that will grab your attention – whichever way that will direct you to the company’s products or services or both. So you can avail by landing on the company’s home page or led from other sites by means of advertisement, usually stunning banners or striking slogans.

An executive in our workforce applied for an unplanned leave. Surprised by the move, and all the more intrigued, the team queried “what happened?”

“I am taking a vacation.”

That’s like snow in summer. Thrilled, the team pushed “but then it seems unplanned?”

“well”, said the executive “my wife just spotted this awesome offer of plane tickets  that covers the hotel accommodation as well.  The price is like a steal. Incredible. So we decided to jump on it and just booked the tickets. “

“which website?”

“its some advertisement that came upon while she was surfing for shopping. The travel portal is reliable and we checked the review comments and also visited the carrier’s home page but the discount offered wasn’t direct. The offer is valid when you book from the travel portal only.”

He had the team's undivided attention now.

“The carrier might be a no-frill carrier offering dirt cheap prices but numbers of visitors are comparably less to their website and hence, they smartly advertised in a portal where traffic is heavy and also tied up with hotels. If not now, then when? Can’t wait till the next one rolls out. So we decided to go for it. Time is money, in fact, that is the premium. So seize the moment. Make the most of the deal.”

The offer is open to all, but not all can cash in the opportunity, and those could, they really would. It’s not serendipity but some smart marketing manoeuvring. Organic or inorganic, the sale was closed. Mission accomplished.

We will cover more about Digital Marketing in subsequent posting. Stay tuned.

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